Career Empowering Courses by Infocredit Professional Education

Credit and Compliance risk Experts

AML Compliance and Blockchain Courses

Advanced Anti Money Laundering (AML) & Counter Terorism Financing (CTF)

Gain in-depth knowledge on the latest developments in AML/CFT and sanctions regulations.

Sanctions & Embargoes An In Depth Understanding for the Financial Sector

Master global sanctions,
safeguard your organization and protect your reputation.

Due Diligence Skills Using Online
Sources AML

Gain the essential skills to leverage online sources for comprehensive due diligence in the fight against AML.

AML and Blockchain: A Developing Relationship

A deep explanation of Blockchain Technology and how it works with AML Compliance.

Blockchain, Cryptoassets & The 5th AML Directive

Perform and apply the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive
updated provisions.

Complying with Anti-Money Laundering regulations and Financing of Terrorism

Mastering AML Compliance in the Evolving Regulatory Landscape.

Beyond Compliance: Innovating in AML & Sanctions

Gain in-depth knowledge with a comprehensive online course on the latest developments in AML/CFT and Sanctions regulations.

Build a program of three courses, up to 21 CPD units with 30% discount

Credit Risk Management Courses

Credit Risk and Debt Collection Management

Master the skills to preserve business liquidity through structured Credit Risk and Debt Collection Management

Risk in Financial Services: Managing and Mitigating Risk Exposure

What is Risk Management and why it is important to have in place Efficient Enterprise Risk Management?

Διαχείρηση Πιστωτικού Κινδύνου και Είσπραξη Οφειλών για Πωλητές

Μάθετε πως μπορείτε να κάνετε πωλήσεις και παράλληλα να διαφυλάξετε την ρευστότητα της επιχείρησης μέσα από δομημένες πρακτικές.

Human Resources Management and Governance Courses

Human Resources Management and Labor Law

Rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship between employers and employees.

Workplace Conflict

Cultivate a culture of trust and
optimism for conflict resolution in the workplace.

Κώδικας Ηθικής & Σεξουαλικής Παρενόχλησης για Προστασία Εργοδοτούμενου και Εργοδότη

Περί Ίσης Μεταχείρισης στην Απασχόληση και την Εργασία Νόμος του 2004 (Ν. 58(I)/2004.

Corporate & SMEs compliance to ESG expectations Moving from theory to implementation

Navigating the ESG Regulatory Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

Cyber Fraud and Risk Prevention

Acquire the knowledge and skills to protect yourself from cyber threats.

Contact us for more information and discount packages